Manual Dual Wand
Manual Dual Wand Features:
Sealmaster Crack Pro 260
- Manual dual-heated hoses
- Electric motors & controls
- Adjustable material flow at wand with reverse
Medium Duty Truck Chassis
- Air ride with steel flatbed
- Flashing & night work lights
- Safety E-stop buttons
Air Blowoff System
- Turbine blower with powerful air curtain
- Adjustable & directional airflow positioning
Diesel Generator
- Power source for electrical components
Integrated into one truck
- Reduce equipment needs
- Easier to mobilize and deploy
- Deck space for material storage
- Fuel efficient = $ savings
Electric motors and controls
- Adjustable material flow at the handle with revenue
- No hydraulics = no mess
- Less maintenance required
Air Blowoff System
- Cleans debris from cracks & pavement surface
- Reduce labor needs
Dual Pumps and Wands
- Increase material output & productivity
- Larger sealing envelope
U.S. Patent No. 11,795,637